Manipulation: 12 Dangerous Persuasion Secrets Used by The World’s Most Powerful Men to Manipulate, Persuade & Influence People (Manipulation Series) (Volume 1)

Discover The 12 Dangerous Persuasion Secrets Used by The World’s Most Powerful Men to Manipulate, Persuade & Influence People!

Did you ever wonder why there are a few individuals on this planet who just seem to have the uncanny ability to get the careers they want, gain recognition, status, social success with relative ease and seemingly without effort at all? Ever wonder why some people rise to fame, power, promotions and top opportunities while the masses of average people never get anywhere regardless of how hard they work? Inside this book what we will be talking about not only the fundamental must-knows for what makes all manipulation work, but also the strategies you can use right away to start seeing huge changes in how the world responses to you, and get what you want. By understanding these social dynamics at play, the underlying mechanisms deep underneath all our human social interactions in this book, you will gain exclusive access to a hidden power very rarely utilized by many but few in the world… With this newfound power you will gain access to a much greater command of your own reality and your own presence in the world, as well as how to effectively move through it. Start Reading Today!

In This Book You Will Discover:

• The Exact Tactics Used By The Likes of Donald Trump and Steve Jobs to Get Whatever They Want, Whenever They Want, From Whoever They Want. • How to Break Past Someone’s Facade and Make Them Divulge Their Deepest Secrets WITHOUT SAYING A WORD • Dirty Tricks You Can Use Today to Start Elevating Your Reputation, Status, & Power Instantly • How to Utilize “Invisible” Techniques of Manipulation to Make People Do What You Want Without Them EVER Noticing! • The Skillset That Will Allow You to Literally Mind Read Anyone (USE WITH CAUTION: You Will Be Shocked at How Dangerously Effective This is!) • and Much, much more!

So Go Ahead, Grab Your Copy & Start Reading Today!

List price: $14.38

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