Body Language: The Bible - The Complete guide On How To Analize People With Proven Dark Psychology Secrets, Manipulation Techniques, and Skilled Emotional Intelligence Tools

Do you want to understand the body language and human psychology of those you interact with and improve your nonverbal intelligence?

This book collection includes the best books for mastering the art on how to analyze people’s body language, how to analyze human behaviors and how to understand how manipulation and manipulative people act.
Decode sentiments and behaviors, unlock precious psychological triggers, discover how to avoid nonverbal manipulation with the help of this book.

3 books in 1 set

Included in this book collection you’ll find:

1) How to Analyze People: Secret Techniques to Beat Manipulation and Dark Deception Using Body Language Psychology and the Art of Your Emotional Intelligence, Discovering What Every Person Is Saying

2) Manipulation: Highly Effective Methods and Secret Techniques in Dark Human Psychology for Persuasion, NLP, Mind Control and A Deep Understanding of Covert Emotional Tactics

3) Dark Psychology: How To Use and Defend Yourself From the Secret Attacks of Mental Manipulation, Deception, Covert Persuasion Techniques, Mind Control, Brainwashing and NLP

Discover a new powerful way to look the world around you. Scroll up and buy now.

List price: $23.99

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