NLP DARK PSYCHOLOGY: Essential Guide For Dark Psychology Techniques, Persuasion And Manipulation. How To Influence People With Mind Control And Analyze Them With Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Have you ever wondered what psychological tactics people are using on others?
You are not alone in that. Many others do, too.

Many people don’t understand the impact of the following things:

·    What NLP is
·    How people can be victims
·    How you can fall prey to manipulation
·    Manipulative tactics that people use

Decision making is a key element in every person’s life. We are faced with situations that require us to make decisions every day. Are you sure the decisions you make are of your own volition? Do you feel under any circumstance, you would make the same decisions? This book discusses how manipulation and mind control can influence your decisions using practical examples. If you doubt your decisions, the book discusses various suggestions with a guide on how you can make independent decisions.
Manipulation is a tactic that is unfortunately used nearly everywhere in human life. Manipulation affects how we socialize. The book gives a guide on how manipulation controls conversation. The tips shared here will help you to identify the manipulation.
This book will help you by giving you the following information so that you can use it to your advantage:

·    How your thoughts affect you and those around you
·    What visualization can do for you
·    how to have a desire for things in your life
·    The mental effects of manipulation
·    How to stop manipulation
·    How to assume success

Everyone has been blessed with a powerful tool that we can use to influence the outcome of our lives. This tool is the mind. With proper use, you can achieve anything you set out to. Learn how you can take advantage of your mind to better your life. With examples, find out how you can visualize things in your mind and have them physically happen. Learn how you can motivate yourself to achieve everything that you want. This book also reveals everyday manipulative techniques that may be used against you. Familiarize yourself with them and avoid being manipulated through them. Mind control and NLP manipulation can also be found in matters of the heart. How can you tell if a person truly loves you and is not manipulating you? How can you stop a manipulator? This book covers all that and so much more. The book gives examples of scenarios where manipulation happens and how you can avoid it in a relationship and other areas of your life.
This is a great book to have if you are any of the following:

·    An entrepreneur
·    A leader
·    An influencer
·    A businessperson
·    A regular person

The tips and suggestions you receive from this book will enable you navigate through life easier by being able to get your way and avoiding others from taking advantage of you.

List price: $14.95

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