Manipulation Techniques: A Beginner's Guide to Influence People with Dark Psychology, Persuasion Strategies, Understanding Brainwashing and Learn Powerful Methods to Control People's Mind

Do you want to learn the secrets to influencing human behavior and use it to your advantage?

Do you want to learn how to read someone and find out what their intentions and motives are?

Are you someone who wants to protect themselves from deceptive and dangerous manipulation?

Emotional intelligence is now recognized as one of the most important aspects of success in the modern world, where people make use of others’ emotions to control the outcome of human interaction. In general, manipulation goes hand in hand with a lot of negative connotations, but it can also be helpful in your everyday personal, social, and career life. Being able to spot negative manipulation, developing charisma and forming relationships, public speaking and storytelling techniques, and effective bribery and sales talk is something that you will learn in the long run when reading this book.

Inside Manipulation Techniques: A Beginner’s Guide to Influence People with Dark Psychology, Persuasion Strategies, Understanding Brainwashing and Learn Powerful Methods to Control People’s Mind, you will find out how to read manipulative body language, how manipulators work, learn how to realize if a manipulative individual is trapping you, and how the mind of these manipulators work, with sections on:

  • Do Some People Like Being Controlled?
  • How people are manipulated emotionally and why.
  • How to control how to control people using hypnosis.
  • Self-hypnosis benefits and limitations.
  • Educate yourself on the dangers of self-hypnosis.
  • Find out who controls your mind at work – and in your private life.
  • The media: Do media control people’s minds?

This audiobook is for anyone interested in unlocking the secrets of manipulation and learn how to get control in life.

If you wish to learn new ways to engage in taking control of your mind and the minds of others, get this audiobook today!

List price: $14.95

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