Mind Control: Everything You Know Is Wrong!


EVERYTHING THEY TOLD YOU IS WRONG! – Learn How Government Brainwashing Works Often the question is posed, “How do I know that I have no control? I feel in control…” Frankly, the answer is, Everything You Know is Wrong. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, your government is lying to you and planning ways to make you a controllable asset more readily and stealthily. Arm yourself with knowledge. Shield yourself with wariness. Always question the things that happen in your life and always fight to say that you were the harbinger of either your success or your doom. When others control you to serve their purposes, it makes you a tool – a literal piece of handy machinery being used to make someone just like you more money, more famous, more glorified, etc. Don’t do it. Stand up, assert your rights and protect your mind. We will see a revolution soon and when we do, it’ll become obvious how well prepared our government is at repressing resistance to their control. Grab your copy today! Receive this valuable information through “Mind Control: Everything You Know Is Wrong!” to gain insight into what is really going on. I will see you on the other side.

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Dark Psychology 101: Learn The Secrets Of Covert Emotional Manipulation, Dark Persuasion, Undetected Mind Control, Mind Games, Deception, Hypnotism, Brainwashing And Other Tricks Of The Trade


Dark Psychology is one of the most powerful forces at work in the world today. It is used by the most powerful influencers the world has ever known. Those who are unaware of it risk having it used against them. Don’t run that risk! In his book entitled Dark Psychology 101 author Michael Pace offers a cutting-edge distillation of some of the most powerful principles in the world of dark psychology. Each chapter explains an aspect of dark psychology in a way which is understandable for a layman with no specialist scientific knowledge. Ideas are illustrated with examples to make the task of understanding dark psychology easier. In addition, the book contains case studies and useful profiles on the types of people who make use of this “black magic” in their everyday lives. You will be also shown how you can apply the principles of dark psychology if you choose to. Please be warned, this book is not for the faint of heart or the weak of mind. Once you have lifted the curtain on the world of dark psychology, there is no going back. You will have an understanding of human nature that few have ever obtained. With great power comes great responsibility.

List price: $14.99

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In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People


Dr. George Simon knows how people push your buttons.  Your children–especially teens–are expert at it, as is your mate.  A co-worker may quietly undermine your efforts while professing to be helpful, or your boss may prey on your weaknesses.  Manipulative people have two goals: to win and to look good doing it.  Often those they abuse are only vaguely aware of what is happening to them.  In this eye-opening book, you’ll also discover…

* 4 reasons why victims have a hard time leaving abusive relationships

* Power tactics manipulators use to push their own agendas and justify their behavior

*Ways to redefine the rules of engagement between you and an abuser

* How to spot potential weaknesses in your character that can set you up for manipulation.

* 12 tools for personal empowerment to help you maintain greater strength in all relationships

List price: $16.95

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Medical Hypnotherapy, Vol. 1, Principles and Methods of Practice


Medical Hypnotherapy, Volume One, is an instructional manual and field guide for both practitioners and patients. With only minutes of instruction in specific hypnosis methods, healthcare providers of all levels can use hypnotherapy to help the overwhelming majority of sick or injured people reduce or even eliminate their pain and suffering, heal faster, and avoid potential complications from medical procedures. Also with the use of hypnosis, people respond better to medical treatments and are more likely and able to participate in their own recovery. Scientific data about medical hypnosis from various reputable researchers and institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic and the National Institutes of Health, have provided abundant evidence of the value of integrating hypnotherapy into our approach to wellness. The hypnotherapy methods presented in this book are all natural, gathered by observing people who naturally control pain and think and act in ways that lead to faster healing and illness prevention. From this information, systems and strategies have been created that everyone can learn and benefit from. Principles and Methods of Practice, volume 1 of Medical Hypnotherapy, has been organized according to the way I prepare people for hypnotherapy certification at the Hypnotherapy Academy of America. The material, however, has been condensed since it would not be possible to include every aspect of the certification program, which entails hundreds of hours of instruction and guided practice. Still, the book will lead you clearly and succinctly to an understanding of the fundamentals of medical hypnotherapy and Medical Hypnotherapy how to make use of its methods to benefit you and your clients or patients. The principals and methods described in this book are trusted by National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is the United States Department of Health and Human Services research wing. Some of the techniques found in this book are currently being used by the NIH in a research project.

List price: $36.00

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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind


In The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy gives you the tools you will need to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind. You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being. Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish. Join the millions of people who have already unlocked the power of their subconscious minds. I urge you to study this book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do, I feel absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure, and guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind.- Dr. Joseph Murphy

List price: $5.49

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Social Engineering: The Art of Psychological Warfare, Human Hacking, Persuasion, and Deception


The Art of Psychological Warfare, Human Hacking, Persuasion, and Deception Are You Ready To Learn How To Configure & Operate Cisco Equipment? If So You’ve Come To The Right Place – Regardless Of How Little Experience You May Have! If you’re interested in social engineering and security then you’re going to want (or need!) to know and understand the way of the social engineer. There’s a ton of other guides out there that aren’t clear and concise, and in my opinion use far too much jargon. My job is to teach you in simple, easy to follow terms how to understand social engineering. Here’s A Preview Of What This Social Engineering Book Contains… What Is Social Engineering? Basic Psychological Tactics Social Engineering Tools Pickup Lines Of Social Engineers How To Prevent And Mitigate Social Engineering Attacks And Much, Much More! Order Your Copy Now And Learn All About Social Engineering!

List price: $9.99

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The Practice of Autosuggestion: By the Method of Emile Coué


“When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception.” -Emile Coue

Here is the complete, authorized presentation of Dr. Coue’s method for curing oneself by autosuggestion, with every step explained in simple, non-technical language. Tells precisely what to do and how to do it.

“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” -Emile Coue

Dr. Coue’s famous formula. Explained, Interpreted and Simplified by C. Harry Brooks.


















The discoveries of Emile Coué are of such moment for the happiness and efficiency of the individual life that it is the duty of anyone acquainted with them to pass them on to his fellows.

The lives of many men and women are robbed of their true value by twists and flaws of character and temperament, which, while defying the efforts of the will, would yield rapidly to the influence of autosuggestion. Unfortunately, the knowledge of this method has hitherto been available in England only in the somewhat detailed and technical work of Professor Charles Baudouin, and in a small pamphlet, printed privately by M. Coué, which has not been publicly exposed for sale. To fill this gap is the aim of the following pages. They are designed to present to the layman in non-technical form the information necessary to enable him to practise autosuggestion for himself.

All readers who wish to obtain a deeper insight into the theoretical basis of autosuggestion are recommended to study Professor Baudouin’s fascinating work, Suggestion and Autosuggestion. Although in these pages there are occasional divergences from Professor Baudouin’s views, his book remains beyond question the authoritative statement on the subject; indeed it is hardly possible without it to form an adequate idea of the scope of autosuggestion. My own indebtedness to it in writing this little volume is very great.

My thanks are due for innumerable kindnesses to M. Coué himself. That he is the embodiment of patience everyone knows who has been in contact with him. I am also indebted to the Rev. Ernest Charles, of Malvern Link, who, though disclaiming responsibility for some of the views expressed here, has made many extremely valuable suggestions.

C. H. B.


21 February, 1922.


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Phishing and Countermeasures: Understanding the Increasing Problem of Electronic Identity Theft


Phishing and Counter-Measures discusses how and why phishing is a threat, and presents effective countermeasures. Showing you how phishing attacks have been mounting over the years, how to detect and prevent current as well as future attacks, this text focuses on corporations who supply the resources used by attackers. The authors subsequently deliberate on what action the government can take to respond to this situation and compare adequate versus inadequate countermeasures.

List price: $122.00

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