The Mind Connection: How the Thoughts You Choose Affect Your Mood, Behavior, and Decisions


Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, explores the power of positive thinking and the undeniable connection between the mind, mouth, moods, and attitudes.
Thoughts can seem random and meaningless, but they impact your life every day. It’s all connected. What you think affects your words, attitude, decisions, and emotions and influences how you relate to yourself, to other people, and to God.

In THE MIND CONNECTION, Joyce Meyer expands on the wisdom of her bestselling books Battlefield of the Mind and Power Thoughts to explain how to improve the quality of your thoughts and your life. She explores the undeniable connection between the mind, mouth, moods, and attitudes, so that you can develop and maintain the right mental position–no matter what challenges you face. Through practical advice and Scriptural insights, Joyce will help you learn to think with purpose, gain greater confidence, and claim the fulfilling life you were meant to lead.

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People I won’t Hypnotize

I had a hypnosis session scheduled for January 1st.

Perhaps that is not too strange considering how people use the New Year to make changes in their lives. What made it strange was what my prospective client was asking of me.

She wanted to know if I could help her uncover certain memories.  I explained about how the field of “forensic hypnosis” is used to help witnesses uncover greater details of an event.

At the time of the appointment, on January 1st, she and her boyfriend showed at my office. She explained she wanted to know what she did during a certain night about one year ago. I suspected I was to help recover a forgotten password or lost valuable.

Upon further questions her boyfriend interrupted to explain on that night they were both drinking and while he was passed out on the bed he believed she was having an affair with one of his family members. She said it didn’t happen and there is no memory of it. She believed that by being hypnotized she could prove her innocence, or at least uncover something forgotten.

Now you know the details here are my questions: would you take them as a client? If not, how would you tell them?

Over the years I’ve been faced with this dilemma in various forms. One was a man who was convinced by his girlfriend to see me so he wouldn’t stare at women’s butts. Spouses have asked several times if I could covertly instruct their partner to be different and not remember being hypnotized for these instructions. They all share the trait of wanting me to change their spouse so they wouldn’t have to face their own problems.

My answer is a firm “No. I’m not going to hypnotize you.” The reason why is that regardless of how I use hypnosis it will become a focal point of a family problem.

“This is not a hypnosis problem. This is a relationship problem and I don’t do that. I only do hypnosis.”

There’s no amount of money I’ll accept to take a client like that. There are ethical and moral considerations whether I should try to help them. Working with people who ask this type of request is not what I want to do. Problems would loom on the horizon.

I’d love to know your thoughts! What would you have told these clients?

David Barron
aka Dantalion Jones


About The Author

David Barron owns New Hampshire Hypnosis and  is a veteran hypnotist with over 20 years of experience. He regularly teaches hypnosis and has published multiple books about mind control under the pen name Dantalion Jones. Click here to read his amazon authors page.

Snoop: How to be REALLY good at Snooping.

By looking deeper at your surroundings you can learn much more about people than you ever thought.

It pays to be a good Snoop.

Book Cover

Learn how to be a good snoop!

People leave clues about themselves, their hopes and fears, everywhere you look. You just have to know how and where to look.

For that reason I’m highly recommending the book Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You.

As children we learn about people first by watching them and trying to manipulate them to fulfill our needs the best we can, usually by crying. With experience we learn more subtle ways to influence others and get what we want.

As we grow we learn that some people can be more easily influenced by relying on one behavior over a another. This begins the training program we all enter. The outcome of this training will be that we can better control the people in our lives and learn to thrive.

A major goal for anyone in life is to gain more influence over our would. Sadly we haven’t ever been given a complete  instruction manual on how to do that.

The book Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About offers great ideas on how to uncover peoples hopes, dreams and deepest motivations by simply examining the environment they have built for themselves.

  • Someone’s car, desk or bathroom you can help you learn volumes about them.
  •  The things people collect you can determine what they are trying to tell the world about themselves.
  •  You can also determine what articles people use to remind them of their hopes, dreams, goals and values.
  • See peoples vulnerabilities everywhere they go.
  • You can visibly see the mental clutter people use to avoid uncomfortable decisions.

Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About wonderfully combines a child’s curiosity with the rigor of a seasoned anthropologist. Snoop shows you what to look for to uncover the secret lives hidden by the people around us.

David Barron
aka Dantalion Jones


About The Author

David Barron owns New Hampshire Hypnosis and  is a veteran hypnotist with over 20 years of experience. He regularly teaches hypnosis and has published multiple books about mind control under the pen name Dantalion Jones. Click here to read his amazon authors page.

Nlp: Maximize Your Potential- Hypnosis, Mind Control, Human Behavior and Influencing People


Do You Want to Unlock Your True Potential and Optimize Your life?! Would You Like to Know Mind Control? Do You Want More Power Over your Life? Are you frustrated that your not where your suppose to be? When you buy NLP: Maximize Your Potential- Hypnosis, Mind Control, Human Behavior and Influencing People, your potential and ability to take control of your life will become closer than ever before! You will discover everything you need to know about NLP!

List price: $19.72

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Mind Control: Everything You Know Is Wrong!


EVERYTHING THEY TOLD YOU IS WRONG! – Learn How Government Brainwashing Works Often the question is posed, “How do I know that I have no control? I feel in control…” Frankly, the answer is, Everything You Know is Wrong. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, your government is lying to you and planning ways to make you a controllable asset more readily and stealthily. Arm yourself with knowledge. Shield yourself with wariness. Always question the things that happen in your life and always fight to say that you were the harbinger of either your success or your doom. When others control you to serve their purposes, it makes you a tool – a literal piece of handy machinery being used to make someone just like you more money, more famous, more glorified, etc. Don’t do it. Stand up, assert your rights and protect your mind. We will see a revolution soon and when we do, it’ll become obvious how well prepared our government is at repressing resistance to their control. Grab your copy today! Receive this valuable information through “Mind Control: Everything You Know Is Wrong!” to gain insight into what is really going on. I will see you on the other side.

List price: $7.99

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Hypnosis: EXACT BLUEPRINT on How to Hypnotize Anyone, Including Yourself – Mind Control, Self Hypnosis, and NLP


Become A Hypnotist Now!

Your weapon in fighting against stress.

Are you looking for ways to alleviate stress? Have you looked and found nothing that seems to work?

You may not be so familiar with this, but do you know that hypnosis can remove all the stress you’re feeling right now?

It is no news to us that most of the time; stress usually is a result of thinking too much. The power of our mind can make us feel things that shouldn’t even be there in the first place. When we sow good seeds in our mind, it reflects on the outside, and same goes when we sow the bad ones too.

Ever heard of the saying: “What you think, manifests?” I’m sure you have.

This is where hypnotism comes in. It is a therapeutic tool that yields both mental and emotional balance. Also, they have been proven to provide physical relaxation, pain relief, better sleep, and reduce anxieties.

Although the word hypnosis comes out really strong for other people, it is considered safe when executed with proper precautions.

Here are 4 Topics To Be Discussed In The Book (Plus More!):

  • What is hypnotism?
  • Self-hypnosis – Preparation
  • The Real Game: Stage II And Stage III
  • How To Hypnotize Someone

This is your instructional guide to practice hypnotism. It has complete details that will fill your understanding and make for a successful experience!

Hypnosis isn’t limited only to self; you can most certainly do it to people who are willing to undergo such therapy. All you need to do is practice.

Good luck and enjoy the ride!

List price: $11.80

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How to Analyze People: Reading People 101: A Guide With 25+ Tricks To Read The Person You Are Talking To – Why You Must Learn To Understand Human Mind … How You Can Improve Your Life With That Skill


We live in a world filled with people that we interact with on a daily basis. There are many different reasons for these interactions, and different outcomes based on these interactions. You are able to influence people with your words and body language, and by reading them, you are able to get what you want. There are many different ways being skilled in the art of reading people will help you in life. No matter what your position is at work, how much confidence you have when you are asking someone out, or how good you are at interacting with people, the ability to read people puts you way ahead of the rest. This book is going to help you read people… well… like a book. You are going to know what to look for, when to push, when to back down, and what to do in all kinds of situations. There are so many ways you can benefit from this skill, giving you an edge up in all aspects of life. Skeptical? Consider this… Knowing how to read people can: • Help you land that job offer you want • Give you an edge when you are inviting that girl out on a date • Send you warnings that someone is getting offended, and help you change what you are doing to avoid conflict • Keep harmony in the workplace or in the home • Encourage others to do their best or try harder • Motivate people • And more

List price: $12.99

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