Medical Hypnotherapy, Vol. 1, Principles and Methods of Practice

Medical Hypnotherapy, Volume One, is an instructional manual and field guide for both practitioners and patients. With only minutes of instruction in specific hypnosis methods, healthcare providers of all levels can use hypnotherapy to help the overwhelming majority of sick or injured people reduce or even eliminate their pain and suffering, heal faster, and avoid potential complications from medical procedures. Also with the use of hypnosis, people respond better to medical treatments and are more likely and able to participate in their own recovery. Scientific data about medical hypnosis from various reputable researchers and institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic and the National Institutes of Health, have provided abundant evidence of the value of integrating hypnotherapy into our approach to wellness. The hypnotherapy methods presented in this book are all natural, gathered by observing people who naturally control pain and think and act in ways that lead to faster healing and illness prevention. From this information, systems and strategies have been created that everyone can learn and benefit from. Principles and Methods of Practice, volume 1 of Medical Hypnotherapy, has been organized according to the way I prepare people for hypnotherapy certification at the Hypnotherapy Academy of America. The material, however, has been condensed since it would not be possible to include every aspect of the certification program, which entails hundreds of hours of instruction and guided practice. Still, the book will lead you clearly and succinctly to an understanding of the fundamentals of medical hypnotherapy and Medical Hypnotherapy how to make use of its methods to benefit you and your clients or patients. The principals and methods described in this book are trusted by National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is the United States Department of Health and Human Services research wing. Some of the techniques found in this book are currently being used by the NIH in a research project.

List price: $36.00

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