Scams: Learn valuable skills to avoid being scammed by frauds. Real experiences of fraud detection, Fraud Examination, phishing emails, scam calls & more.

Investment Scams now affect everyone on a daily basis. The question is, how do you know what is safe and What Are Scams?

I Lost Thousands, Over $10,000 To Be Exact. Read More To Find Out how It Happened So Easily!

In this book I will tell you the Basic Skills I Wish I had learnt before I Invested My Money. If I did, I would have Avoided Losing Thousands Altogether.

Through Real Life Experiences, this book explains how from losing thousands of dollars through unfavorable contracts created a necessity to learn more about Sales Pressure and Due Diligence Around Investing.

With fraud detection techniques and real examples of phishing emails and scam calls with high pressure sales tactics, you will understand the fundamentals of how to avoid people scamming you in the future.

Read This Book To ID Investment Scams and Sales Tricks. Make them a thing of the past by learning how to prepare for the now!

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